[NEWS] Google shows off a talking shoe But You Can't Buy It

Google has just published the talking tech shoes but its NOT FOR SALE, know more about it.
Well, if you are full tech enabled why not wear tech enabled shoes, those which can connect to internet??

Google Shoes are modified Adidas sneakers and is a part of the company’s ‘Art, Copy and Code’ project. These shoes are built in co-operation with ‘Yes Yes No’ company. They feature a custom-build microcontroller and speak funny things out to you via a speaker, or Google plus when connected to the internet. Things like accelerometer and gyroscope are build into the shoes too along with the pressure sensors at the bottom. I mean fully tech shoes.. :)

What this Pair Shoe can Do??
This pair of shoe can pass funny messages to you while walking, standing, connecting and more such situations.
For example, if you start walking it will say <I’m snoring> and if you are not moving i.e. stadning , it will speak <I am trying to imagine what it would look like moving>. The best thing is that, it can also connect with an Android smartphone.

The Google Shoes were shown at the SXSW event in Austin, Texas. What’s a pity though, is that Google doesn't plan to sell these in any market. They might however open-source the information so that you can make your own. The pair shown off at the SXSW were made to show what’s possible with data. How perfect is the tech department in the world.

So, when you go to market to buy new pair of shoes, think for a moment about these tech enabled shoes and you will admire the fact that the new shoes you are going to buy are nothing then a simple pair of shoes. If it will be open source, then the tech developers will certainly look into it and make own shoes to sell in the market. I think it will happen soon and it will be available to buy worldwide.

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