PHP Introdunction and Getting Started Tutorial

Hi, in this tutorial, I will explain PHP Language and we will create first site in PHP using free PHP host. We will use this host for future PHP tutorials..Lets start learning PHP with our simple PHP tutorials.
PHP is very advanced and powerful language to create full of feature site with little knowledge of this language. You can start creating sites with PHP language today (Of course HELLO WORLD project :) ). With our free PHP tutorials you will see how things become easier for you and how easy is to do programming in PHP.

If we look around in vast range of web sites, we will observe that majority of them use PHP. Just because of its simplicity and ease of use. For this, you just need to have basic knowledge of HTML. CSS and there you go. :) If you look at, you can easily tell that it has been programmed in PHP. Similarly,, and so many other rely on PHP.

With our free PHP tutorials you will learn from basics to advanced level of programming. We will teach with screen shots and step by step instructions to get most out of nothing. :) For this, we have selected free hosting service. You need to create free hosting account with this hosting company to take advantage of our easy PHP tutorials.

Ok, lets create our account with Follow these steps to create new account at

  1. Goto you will see the following form displayed in following screen shot.
  2. Fill out the above form with following entries.
    1. Username: Chose your user name, it will be your site name.
    2. Password: Type in your password in this text field.
    3. Email Address: Type your email address, you will get verification email to this email address. Please try to use Gmail account for this purpose, yahoo users won't get emails. Also check email in your SPAM or JUNK folder as well.
    4. Script To Install: You must select "Do not install script" for this option.
    5. Site Category: Select site category, in our view you should select "Personal".
    6. Site Language: Select English or any other if your language is available there.
    7. Finally enter security code to prove your human.
    8. Click submit button button to create account. If everything goes perfect, you will see message to verify your email address or you will have to make corrections in your form.
  3. Now goto your mail inbox and open the email sent by, find the link in it and click the link to verufy your account at
  4. Now if everything goes fine, you will see screen where you will be asked to install any script (Remember we have set it to do not install any script in step 2.4). Please select again "Do not install Script" and click Continue.
  5. In next page, you will see the message page, saying that "your account will be created in 55 seconds.". In this page wait and do not refresh the page, the page will be refreshed automatically.
  6. After about 55 seconds or more you will be presented with the page with fll details of your account, please save it as hard copy or print it as it contains all info about your account at You will need this in our future tutorials. Here is one sample of this page. You will get your FTP accounts, MySQL database account, any other account related user information will also be provided. At the end, you will also have the site name and subdomain allocated to your sitename/username. Like in picture
So now we have created our account at, we are ready to build best PHP website in network. But, please note that does not allow the following type of sites. If you will add these type of sites, your account will be blocked forever.
  • Phishing
  • Streaming
  • File Lockers
  • Traffic Redirectors
  • Forex / Banking sites
  • URL Shortening services
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Viral
  • Hacking
  • Warez
  • Proxy
  • Made for Adsense sites
  • Any Adult / Porn
  • Paid To Click
Thanks for reading this tutorial, we hope you have learned lot from us today. In next tutorial we will log in to our account we just created and will understand whats happening out there inside our account. Stay tuned for best PHP tutorials at no cost.
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