Exloader in Wapka Explained Briefly

Today I am going to explain the wapka's best feature EX-Loader, I will discuss everything about it and I will tr to make it fun and helpful post..

What is ex-loader in wapka?

Many many wapmasers in wapka actually don't know how to use ex-loader, I cab bet that out of 100 people the 90 people don't even know what is ex-loader in wapka.. What it can do for you and its best or not :) In this post I am trying to give some understanding about this giant, although you won't understand it in a jiffy but keeping the spirit up, you will know every thing.. Actually, ex-loader is simple tool in wapka to get data from other wapsites though PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression). All this is done by finding the correct line from the action site source code.. With ex-loader you will be able to get data from other wapsites in real time, that means you don't neeed to update it regularly.. For example, think about Live Cricket Scores :) I hop it will illustrate little bit the feature of ex-loader in wapka, all you hav e to do is work on it day and night and you will get the result..

Where you can find Ex-Loader Feature in wapka?

You can find Ex-Loader feature in wapka by going to ES then Click Ex-Loader, you can add exloader in every page of your site or on selective pages, adding on every page is not recommended though by me because it will slow down your site..

How I use ex-loader in wapka?

You can use it very easil, no skills required but to do complex PERL programming you have to be a master to get the required results.. Just GOTO ES > EX-LOADER to see what you can do in it.. Lets take a note of available fields in ex-loader form..
  1. First is URL field, in this field you need to add URL of wapsite from where you wanted to load data into your site.. You need to add full URL including HTTP:// and its mandatory field, i.e. you can not leave it empty..
  2. The second field is SELECT PART, this field is very interesting to understand as well to use :) For this first see source code of your action site from where you wanted to load data after that chose the required line numbers from source code (I recommend the wapka source code viewer, its better for ex-loader) You will need to insert line numbers that you wanna include in this field.. i.e. I want to get the text HELLO from the other site and the HELLO word is on line number 5 in source code than I will write 5 in this field. To seperate more lines you need to add comma after every line number, i.e. 1,2,5,8,9,56 so on.. If your code is successive lines i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.. you can write 1-7 instead of all line numbers with comma, thats called combination.. Apart from this you can also use PERL codes (I will not explain it here, maybe in new tutorial) The PERL is very complex language and very difficult to understand.
  3. The third box is for HTML tags selector.. Now for what this field is? Actually you can write HTML tags here separated with comma to only get text in between those code. For example, in our line 1 we have also b tag and a tag but we only want a tag, if you left this field empty you will get both but if you wrote a you will get only a tags HTML links.. Any more questions can be wrote in comments, I will answer!
  4. Now The fouth field is to add Browser or user agent.. Now I will explain it a example.. See, many people has many mobiles these days, someone has Iphone, someone has simple etc etc.. Now this field lets you option to declare the browser type so that source code should be parsed accordingly.. If you like I can share the best user-agent code that can make things better for all, this code has support for all browsers and even for PC browsers :) You can add one or two browser agents in this field no restriction apart from the wapka site..
  5. The fifth field is the selector allows you to select the loading interval.. You can set the loading interval to which the ex-loader should update its data.. For example, Direct Access the ex-loader will load data every time its called, every new change in action site will be updated in your site immediately in seconds, but it slows your site little bit because every time user visits your site ex-loader is loaded first.. If you selected 2h, 4h etc then the x-loader will update data after the set interval of 4 hours or 2 hours, so it will ease the slowness of your site little bit.. In the selector 24h means the data will be updated once in every day.
  6. The other fields are same as other wapka forms and should be understandable, I don't see any reasons to introduce them here :) But at the end of this form you will find two buttons first is TEST and is there to test your loading before you addd it so it make life more easier and the other is there to simply add your new stuff to wapka..
Uffffff, I have explained many things about ex-loader but thats not all Ex-Loader is something that you will not understand that much easily, hard work is the answer.. Try it again and again and learn it that way.. if you need further help just coment below and I will be there to help you in your problem..

How to Remove Bottom Link From Your Wapka Site

In this tutorial I will show you how to remove this :=: bottom link from your wapka site

Lets get rid of this annoying link in your wapka site.. Just follow these steps.

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin mode
  3. Goto ES > Global Settings > OTHERS
  4. At the top of next page you will find selection box with message Bottom link :=:, from the options select the Disabled for all options
  5. Now press the Set button, it will save your settings..
  6. Now you can goto your home page and check if the bottom link is there or not, if its there than probably you have done something wrong, just redo the above steps..
Now you can get rid of the annoying bottom link in wapka, I remembered at first this link was not erasable but lots of users requested to add option to total remove it feom our site and option is added..I hope you will get something from this tutorial, comment if you can't set it in your site..

How to Password Protect Your Content in Wapka

In this tutorial I will show you how to password protect your data, files etc in wapka. User can only see them if they have the password :)

Follow these steps to password protect your data in wapka..
  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add new page via ES > NEW PAGE
  4. Now add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code
  5. Now via ES > WML/xHTML code add the following code
  6. Goto ES > Users > Item Visibility
  7. Now select the second code that we have added in step 5 and click on g c t l p u link
  8. In the next page you will find 6 options, click URL GET variable this will open new page
  9. In the page you will see following (Displayed in picture below)
  10. Now in variable field write get-password and from is field select the [=] is equal, after this in then value write the password text that you want to use for users, like mango and orange or complex one like e4z32s etc, in my example I will write mypass
  11. Now goto the page and check it in user mode whether it worked or not.
  12. If you like to hide the form if user has entered the correct password then you can set item visibility for the item that we have created in step 4, just change than value to empty and thats it..
With this you can set passwords for your contents and can tell password only to the required user.. This can't be hacked becasue all the background code is based on PHP so checking source won't help them to find the content :) Try it and let us know to improve it..

Add Love Meter Best Tutorial For Wapka

Hi most of you wanted to have love calculator onto your site.. so i thought to share it with you.. i hope you will like my work :)

Its very simple and very easy to create this in your free wapka site, your users will love to see this interesting tool.. Lets make one for your site

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add New Page via ES > NEW PAGE
  4. Now add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

  5. Your code is ready to be added, no configuration required. But if you know HTML well enough you can add more style to it and can change its look..

Please write your comments about this tutorial and join our facebook page to be updated to our daily updates :)

GuestBook Tutorial Make GuestBook For Your Wapka Site

Hi, today we will learn how to create a guest book in wapka where users can comment on your site.. this is easy and you can make it in minutes..

Why we need guestbook in our site? We need it because user can comment on your efforts, can send you messages, can contact you and can even suggest you something.. This is great tool to make your site best day by day.

Lets create one guestbook for your site..

  1. Login to your wapka account
  2. Create a New Page via ES > NEW PAGE
  3. Now add a new forum (simple) by going to ES > FORUM > from a selection choose 'simple' forum type and make sure that this forum is visible only in admin mode
  4. next step is to remember the new created forum id (You can find FORUM_ID at the right bottom of the forum page). We will need it in short while.
  5. Now just go back to our new created site and paste the following code via ES > WML/XHTML

    This code will show our messages from forum that we created above.. Change XXXXX with the forum ID in step 4.
  6. Now we wanted to display adding form by using which user will add messages.. to do this insert the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Change XXXXX with the forum ID in step 4.
  7. To display forum messages you must have one message added in forum other case you will see "PARAMETER 'm' is missing"
Our simple guest book is ready for your site, add it and check for error and write here so that we can solve your problems..

Add Google Maps to Wapka Site

Hi, Google Maps are the best way to get map of any country.. Your users will love to see map of there place in your site, adding google maps is very easy and you don't need to do anything apart from adding a simple code..

How easy is this, just follow my tutorial and you will know it :)

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Create New Page via ES > New Page and click to open it
  4. Now insert the following code by adding wml/xhtml code (ES > WML/XHTML)

    Don't need to configure it, but if you are expert in HTML go n and do configuration as you like..
  5. Now check it and change zoom level or place and make sure everything is fine, if not please write us..

Really believe or not google maps are the best part of your site, users like to see interactivity and google maps just provide it to th users.. The google Maps is the product of google.com

Create User Search Page in Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial we will create own search page, where visitor will enter the search keywords and if user name will match with the keywords result will be shown othervise message will be displayed "No user found"

This will add more functionality to our wapka site and allow anyone to search for users. This tutorial also don't need any skills, just read us step by step and here you go :)

  1. login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add New Page via ES > NEW PAGE, after that open it
  4. Now add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

  5. The above code will create form where user will enter the keywords to search.. now we will create :userstats: tags to display our result on the basis of user entered keywords..
  6. Goto ES > WML/xHTML > Add the following code..
  7. The above simple code will display message "User not found" if no matches with keywords and if any user name matched with entered keyword, then his name will be displayed with link to profile..
Thats it.. its simple code, you can modify it as per your needs. You can configure it as per your needs.. Please do leave a comment if you like it or even if you don't like it..

Add HTML Image Maker Tool in Wapka Site

I have recently added tutorial to add HTML link maker tool in your wapka site as webmaster service for newbies and today we will make our image maker tool, it will be same as the previous tutorial but will have different code.. :)

Lets do it.. Follow these steps to add HTML image maker toolkit to your free wapka site

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add New Page via ES > NEW PAGE > name it Link Maker Tool
  4. Open the created page
  5. Now note the site ID of the page you just opened. Suppose its 1 (It will be different for you)
  6. Now add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

  7. Now Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Remove # from above code
  8. Goto ES > Uses > Item Visibility > Click g c t l p u this link on above second code > Click "URL GET variable" > in next page set variable = get-per and is = equal then value = ok Something Like this image
    > Set URL Values
  9. Now go back to your page and now you can check your tool in user mode
Thats it, your tool is now added and is useful for any webmaster in the world.. This is most widely used by the newbies and I think they will love this tool.. Any bugs report or suggestions are most welcome.

Create SMS Messages Page With Copy Option and Add to Your Wapka Site

Hi, if you wanted to create sms page with opti to copy text than you are at right place just read full tutorial and start creating it in minutes..

lets begin our tutorial..

First of all create a new site (ES > NEW SITE) > Click to open it > create a new forum (ES > FORUM > visible in admin mode only > open it and note down the forum-id (You can find at the bottom right of the forum page))

Now in new created site add the following code via ES > wml/xhtml >

Remove ## from above code

This will show our text = option to copy that text..
Now we have to add form by using which user will add sms..
just goto ES > wml/xhtml > add the following code >

this will create our form to add messages, just change XXXXXX with forum-id that you have noted above..

Thats it, we have created our simple message box, hope you liked it.. :) Comment any error or new suggestions..

Add HTML Link Maker Tool to Wapka Site

Hi, in this tutorial I will teach you how to add HTML Link maker tool to your site and allow the visitors to create free HTML links..

What user can do?
User just need to add site name and link address and thats it, our script will create the link for the user.. This scripts is based on HTML and PHP, so no java script..

Let get in to it..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add New Page via ES > NEW PAGE > name it Link Maker Tool
  4. Open the created page
  5. Now note the site ID of the page you just opened. Suppose its 1 (It will be different for you)
  6. Now add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code
  7. Now Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Remove # from above code
  8. Goto ES > Uses > Item Visibility > Click g c t l p u this link on above second code > Click "URL GET variable" > in next page set variable = get-per and is = equal then value = ok Something Like this image
    > Set URL Values
  9. Now go back to your page and now you can check your tool in user mode
Your tool is now ready to be added to your site for the newbies :) Any comments or suggestions are most welcome.

How use Backup System in wapka

In this tutorial you will learn about wapka backup system.. Backup system helps you to get your accidently deleted data in one click.. You will not lose your data now on.. Suppose, a moderator deletes your data and now what you will do?? Yes, you need to backup :)

How do we backup? Well answer is very simple that you do not need to backup manually wapka system do it for you automatically at a fixed time if there are some changes otherwise it will not backup for that day..

If you have lost some files, settings, links etc do following..
1. login to your free wapka account
2. Goto Tools
3. Click Backups
4. Now this site you will see the available backups..
5. Click your needed backup, i.e. the most recent date
6. Now mark Items and Settings
7. Press Restore backup
8. In next step you will be asked "Are you sure, that you want to restore your site? All changes newer than BACKUP_DATE_HERE will be lost!" click "Yes, continue"

This way you can backup your items and settings very easily.. Any problem, write us we will help you.

Wapka Source Code Viewer

In this tutorial I will explain about wapka source code viewer..
Source code viewer works as a bot and gets the source code of the required site and displays it. You can see source code of any site in the world very easily.. This will be helpful for those who wanted to learn the advance programing and it will help newbies very well..
Do you wanted to see source code of a site? do following..
1. Login to your wapka account
2. Goto Tools
3. Click Source Code Viewer
4. In provided text box enter "http://google.com"
5. Click View Source
5. It will display the source code of google.com in checkboxes form.
6. Now mark/check the 1. line and press copy selected code
7. Now a textarea containing the copied code will appear, now its upto you if you like you can copy the text via mobile or press the copy code button below the textarea code
8. If you clicked the button you will be able to add source code to your wapka site via ES > WML/xHTML function without copy..
That way you can add many source code examples to your site with one click..
Now look at "advance settings"
9. under the View Source button you will see advance settings link, click it
10. Some options will be displayed
11. One of them is lines / site with this you can set lines displayed per site.. ie 100 or 5 or 1 etc
12. Second one is "colored HTML tags" this option will color the HTML tags in code
13. The third one is "Displays HTTP Headers" if you wanted to also see HTTP Headers in code you can mark this option..
14. After that click View Source button above options..

Hmmm... Now I think you will be able to get source code of any site very easily to learn some basics.. Miss use of this service is not adviced though :)

How to disable Cell Phone Emulator in wapka

Want to hide Cell Phone Emulator in wapka when you visit your site from PC??
Well, its really easy to do.. Just follow me and you will be able to disable the cell phone emulator in web verssion..

See Below Example of cell phone emulator

1. Login to your wapka account
2. Click Admin Mode
3. Goto ES > Global Settings > Other > Find Disable cell phone emulator in www version (www.fundunia.wapka.mobi) and mark/check the checkbox against it.
4. Click SET Button

Now visit your site in web browser to see the changes.. Any questions? Feel free to ask

HTML heading tags explaine h1 to h6

Today we have decided to also include tutorials about HTML that is widely used language in the world.. You will need to learn it before using wapka for best possible use of wapka.

In this tutorial we will learn heading tags for wapka, these tags are usefull if you want to add prominent text or heading. Lets learn it!!
Any Header tags are started with h1 and ends with ending tag
Lets see some examples..

There are six heading tags h1 to h6 all have different type in visibility.. For instance see below, added all above code as are in textarea


- h1


- h2


- h3


- h4
- h5
- h6

I hpe you will now understand what are HTML heading tags all about, you can add these tags in wapka via ES > WML/xHTML.. Check these tags and write below for more info!!

HTML hr tag to Draw Horizontal line

In this tutorial you will learn to draw a horizontal line in any wapka page or any other HTML page as well.. This is very simple tutorial but very useful for newbies around here..
The tag creates a new linne and drew it on request.
For example, see below line

Its simple now but you can change its color to red or any other

Sample below..

Add it in wapka via ES > WML/xHTML
Go and check it on wapka and come back here to see more :)

How to add Login Form in Wapka Pages

You can add login form to your sites any page and also can design it very easily and according to your site. just need too add some wapka tags and here you go.. See below for more illustration

1. Login to your free wapka account
2. Goto Admin Mode
3. Goto page where you want to add login form
4. Goto ES > WML/xHTML > inser the following code

In above code instead of XXX you can write site id of your wapka site where you want to redirect user after successful login details..
Instead of FORMAT you should use following format variables..Explained below one by one
Text/HTML - You can use any HTML and any Text you want inside both tags
%login% - This will add the login field where user will be able to add username
%pass% - With this variable user will be able to add password against the username to login
%al% - This will add checkbox to add an option for the user to select or not the automatic login
%submit% - At last is this variable which will display the submit button to the user to request login access..

Now you have to add %login% %pass% and %submit% but you can ignore %al%
For example..

In above code, as you can see user will be redirected to the home page after successful login..
That was tutorial about easy login system.. you can make changes to it and make it that best resembles your site skin :)
For further help please write below..

HTML meta tags explained for wapka users

Hi, you can use following tags in your site..

Just goto ES > GLOBAL SETTINGS > HEAD TAGS,... > insert code which you need from below codes..

Want to add site discription for SEO, use following..

To add keywords for the better SEO, use following

1,2 are keyword numbers, you can add as many as you want but seperate with comma (,)

To tell browser about the admin/author of this site, you can use following

You can ause all at once or one by one, its your decision..

Memberlist with JumpBox code in Wapka

Hi, i will teach you how you can use jump box in userstats, it is same for other list (forumlist, filelist) with little edition you can use jump box for all..

lets start:
First of all create a new site (ES > NEW SITE) now open this site and add the following code via ES > WML / xHTML

then add the following code as per your selection, i mean you may add it in top or bottom, its entirely your choice..

Now what this code will do??
It will show all registered members with option to set order, visitor will be able to set method of order (by points, by name, by login count etc)

This code will show, username, country flag and status and a link to user profile..

Now we will add jump box in this list..
simply add the fiollowing code at the end or at the top of above codes in one site that you made for memberlist..

User will enter any page number and he/she will be redirected to that page..
Hopw you will like this tutorial, do write us your comments below.. thanks

Creating Quuick Download Page with Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial you will learn how to create quick downloader by id.. User will only write file id and after click will goto details page where he can download it..

Lets start..
First step:
Create a new site via ES > NEW SITE > open it and see its site_id (available at bottom right of that site)
after that
goto ES > WML/xHTML > insert following code (in new created site)

2nd step:
now any where in your site add following code via ES > WML/XHTML >

change 'X' with site id created in first step..

This is not the perfact solution but is good enough in future tutorials we will add another tutorial about it which will be better than this but thats it for now, try it in your site and you can do modifications as you like to make it yours :)

How to add CSS Class in Wapka to Style your Free Site

Hi, in this tutorial we will learn how to create a class or design in wapka to set it easily anywhere.. this ease our work quite awesomely..

so lets do it..

Goto ES > WAP2 > CLASSES SETTINGS > click the 'ADD NEW CLASS' link

In next page, name the class, eg. good or bad etc.. remember this name, it will be used later.. choose 'basic settings' radio option > click 'continue'

In next page, you will see planty of options.. like background-color, text color link color etc etc, just fill down the color that you need to have, you can use color names as well like red, blue etc.. After that you will see 'Border'.. you can select border type, position, color to set a border for our styles.. Beneath you will see 'margin' and padding.. margin means space from other items ad padding means space from border.. you can use pixels.. eg. 2px, 4px etc.. You can also select font-weight, font style, font size and font decoration.. take your time to set a good looking colors and settings, when you are done.. click 'add class' to add it or 'preview' to test it before adding..

Now your class is added.. now you will have this question in your mind that how to use it..

Well answer is pretty simple..

Any where on your site just set class and everything will be done..
let us sppose, we have created class 'fundunia', we will use it in following examples
For example:



infact, any tag you wanted to use, you can use.. just have to set class="fundunia" in all
Remember, css is case sensitive.. fundunia is not equal to Fundunia..

I hope you have learnt what I wanna teach you, you will deal with it in your all wapka life or even in any other programming languages as well.. Its basic info for a programmer..

How to Create Toplist in Wapka

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create toplist site with wapka site builder, no need to host your toplist, no need to learn programming, all so simple.. :)

Our tutorial is very lengthy, so it maybe add in two parts or more, it all depends.. Lets do it in real time :)

  1. Login to your free wapka account, for toplist I recommend you should create new site or else you will not be able to handle the extra load in one site..
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. At first, we will design our registration site,
    1. for this goto ES > USER > USER PROFILES Activate user profiles by marking the checkbox at the top most and press SET Button at the end.. It will activate profile system to be used..
    2. Now find the text Registration Profile form under this text in textbox insert the following code and press SET button again

    3. Mark the check box asking for Display profile form in registration page: and again press SET button
    4. Find Profile form (default) and empty its textbox and press SET button
    Now the registration page in your site should look like the following picture, you can see your registration page by going to http://site.wapka.mobi/registration_0.xhtml (Change Site with your wapka login)
  4. Now we will design the main page first, I think that way you will understand better..
    1. Goto Home page of your site
    2. Via WML/xHML code add the following code

      This will display user list displaying the site title and link.. Only those sites will be displayed that have send more than 2 hits..
    3. Now we need to add two links Register Now, Login/Edit Site, add them via ES > WML/xHTML with the help of the following code

    4. If you like you can add another info for the visitors, let them know how many site are registered and how many sending us hits.. Just add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code
    Now we have completed our home page.. looking nice?
  5. At the point, we have completed our registration page, login page and home page.. If you don't understand any of them ask via comment form below..
  6. Now we will design page that will keep the user site details and more data, for this do following
    1. Goto ES > USER > USER PROFILES > find Profile form (default) *: and post the following code in the box, after that press SET button at the end
    2. find Profile constants **: and change its code with the following one

      After that click SET at the bottom of the form..
    3. Now fiind Own style of profile site ***: and place the following link instead the first one..

      again Press Set button at the end of form o save settings..
  7. Now goto ES > ADD AUTOCONTENT > Autocontent for profiles > In first text box write -4 and in second write -5 and then click SET button
  8. Now goto Home page and click the >> button after site at the bottom and goto site -4 via the jump box.. In site -4 add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Please take in mind that this code will redirect every time you will refresh the page, please be carefull and tricky in this part after adding the code just goto ES > USER > ITEM VISIBILITY and click g c t l p U link and after that click URL GET variable llink, in next page set as following in the picture and click the SET button
    Now go back to home page to make our control panel area
  9. In this part we will create our control panel for user, you need to create new page via ES > NEW PAGE > suppose its SITEID is 1..
    1. To allow user to edit its site address and title etc we will add few options.. Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

      Change XXX with the Site ID on which we are working or that you have added in this part :) suppose 1
    2. Now its time to add the reference codes that will be used to increase hits in when user sends a vistor, add following via ES > WML/xHTML code

      Change XXXXXXXXXXX with your site address and remove # from above code.. you can add banner links as well all up to you ;)
    3. To allow user to change password for his account, you can use following code, add via ES > WML/xHTML code
    4. Now add link for user to logout of the system, here is code
    5. lease set access to this page by the user only so that no other anonymous user can enter here.. do it via ES > USERS > PROTECTED ITEM > Mark the page and set access for logged users only.
  10. Now the last step is very easy, Goto ES > USER > CREDIT SYSTEM > and set credit settings for ref link etc. See below fpor more info
    1. If you wanted to set credit +1 for every click to ref link just find Users referred via referral link and press settings link against it > find
      Add credits for:
      Click ref. link:
      and press EDIT OPTIONS BUTTON
    2. Ots all upto you how you set credit and on what basis you use it..

CSS Trick Center The Body in Wapka

In this tutorial I will show you how to center your site body with CSS trick in wapka.. This will add nice look to your site

This look will be awesome for your PC version of wapka site.. Instead of long flat page, it will make site in the center of the window, lets do it..

  1. Login to your wapka account
  2. Goto ES > WAP2 > Classes Settings > Click EDIT STYLE SHEET FILE link > Insert the following code in text area and press edit button >
  3. in above code, we used following CSS attributes
    1. We set max-length to 600px, you can set other too like 800px, 400px etc, all depends to you, how much wide you wanted to set your site..
    2. We set top margin to 0 because we doesn't want any space between top of browser and our site body..
    3. WE set left and right margins to 'auto' because we want our site in center of the screen, thats what our purpose of the tutorial is so please don't change it..
    4. We set bottom margin to '1px' (This is the gape between bottom of browser and our last item on site).. You can increase or decrease it as you like.
    5. At the end we used padding property, it will set our items 2px away from the corners of page
  4. Thats it, goto your Homepage
Remember that this script will not have impact on mobile browsers, so don't get confused just use it and users from the PC will love your site..

Allow User to Search in Your Wapsite

Hi, in this tutorial I will explain search feature in wapka. With the help of this feature you can allow visitors of your site to search for content they need..

Lets do it in wapkatutor's way :)

Step 1: Login to your free wapka account
Step 2: Goto Admin Mode
Step 3: Goto ES > Searching
Step 4: You will be redirected to a page where you will see the form to add the search box for your visitors..You will need to edit the following parts in the form.
[a] Text on button: This is the text you wanna display on submit button.. Like "Search" etc.
[b] Search on site/forum*: This area is to write the site ID's to search in. This is  little bit tricky part, let me explain it..
For sites: If you want to search on the whole site leave this field blank. In the other case insert site ID where you want to search. Searching will be automatically applied also on every page under selected site.
If you want to insert more sites, where you want to search, separate them by comma (2,8,95)
 If you want to search only in selected site without under sites insert in front of site ID symbol "_" - underline. (e.g.: _2) or (e.g.: _2,_8,_95)
For forum: If you want to search on all your forums leave this field blank. In the other case insert Forum ID, where you want to search. If you want to insert more forums, separate them by comma (1,2,3)
[c] Under Search on site/forum*: you willl see select box from which you can select where you wanna search i.e. in Forums, Sites or in Users.
Step 5: Now add the form and see if it worked for you..

That way you can add as many search form as you like in all your wapka site pages. Let us know what you did and what happened to you. Sharing the problems makes problem easier.

Can You Change Wapka Username?

Do you wanna change the username of your wapka site? You don't wanna lose your site data? Keep reading then!!

You have great site and have lots of data but don't love your username i.e YOU.wapka.mobi, then I will show you how you can transfer your site to new one very easily in wapka.. :)

  1. Goto http://wapka.mobi and create your new site with the best name that you want..
  2. After the registration login to your new site.
  3. Goto Admin Mode
  4. Now goto ES > Automatic Redirection > and set the time and site on which you wanted to redirect..
  5. You can set the site as http://YOU.wapka.mobi and time is the wait time after which the user will be redirected.. Please set time greater then the 0 sesconds so that your redirection work perfectly.. :)

Test it in User mode and let us know if this trick worked for you or not.. Though its not perfect but very tricky indeed to make or change your wapka username with your own one.. :)

Thanks again for being part of growing wapka family..

Understanding Forumlist Tag in Wapka

In this lengthy tutorial I will try to illustrate all uses of wapka forumlist tag. I will show you how to and when use this code.. Keep reading!

Forum help you to gather info or comment from the users, remember that users have the best suggestion about your services. This tutorial was requested by wapkatutor user some days ago, now I am adding it on his request.
After this tutorial, you will be able to use :forumlist: tags in wapka and also will be able to allow users to read or write comments on your site as like all other forums.. :)
You need to do the following in order to learn the wapka forumlist tag..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add the new forum via ES > Forum
    1. Write Forum Name: Demo
    2. Forum Type: Simple
    3. Item will be visible for: In admin mode
    4. It should look like this picture..
  4. Now click the created forum and note down its forum ID, You can find the forum ID at the bottom right of the forum site under the EDIT SITE Link.. like this picture, instead of black marked space you will see the forum ID
  5. Now goto the main page of your site, and add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    In above code change XXXXXX with the noted Forum ID. Add this code and check what it displayed... It will display nothing at this time.. Now to add new messages in our forum we need to add the form to add messages, add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Change ID with the noted forum ID in above code.. After that add new message via the form and immediately you will see the message via code in :forumlist: that we have added above..
  6. Now if you like you can change the :forumlist:--------:/forumlist: code that we used in step 5. For this purpose you need to understand this tag, lets do it in this step..
    1. Forumlist code starts with :forumlist: and ends on :/forumlist:
    2. We seperate the DELIMITERS, LINE_FORMAT and PARAMETERS with the :: i.e. :forumlist:PARAMETERS::LINE_FORMAT::DELIMITERS:/forumlist:
    3. Now instead of PARAMETERS we can use following values. You can separate two or more values with a comma..
      1. f=ID ID can be any Forum ID. Like f=12345. You can add two forum by separating with a space, like f=12345 123456
      2. t=TIME_FORMAT this defines the time format for %time% in LINE_FORMAT.. Like you can use t=-- this will display time as 1 minute ago, two weeks ago etc
      3. l=1-200 This will define the number of messages in one page. Minimum messages is 1 and maximum messages are 200 per page. You can use l=0 if you like only count of messages.. For example, l=2 this will display the two messages only.
      4. s=PAGES You can set the target page with this value.. This parameter is useful, if you want to separate list on more sites. For example if you want to display list with first 10 messages set parameter l on 10 and parameter s on 1, if you want to display next 10 messages (11-20) leave parameter l on 10 and parameter s set on 2.
      5. o=ORDER order parameter can have two values: n (new first) and o (old first).. So if you want to display the old messages first set o=o and set o=n if you wanted to display new messages first.
      6. Now you can write more parameter by using this code: :forumlist:f=ID,o=n,s=1,l=1::LINE_FORMAT::DELIMITERS:forumlist:
        You can see that we have separated values via comma. You can reorder it as you like but always separate it with comma and parameter should be used before the ::.
    4. For Line format can be used following variables. All variables have different values stored in wapka server. Thats why wapka has lots more than you can imagine.
      1. %name% User name of the user who added the message. If you will add the message than your username will be administrator
      2. %tname% User name only text without Icons or colors etc.
      3. %lname% Adds the link to user profile who has added the message, if its administrator then user will goto the new PM page.
      4. %time% Time of message
      5. %text% Text of the message or body of the message
      6. %ip% IP address of the user who has added the message.
      7. %ipx% IP address of the user who added the message but last three digits hidden.
      8. %browser% Browser of the user. i.e. Opera Mini etc
      9. %flag% Flag of the users country..
      10. %country1% Full country name.. i.e. Pakistan, India etc
      11. %country2% Abbreviation of country 2 letters.
      12. %country3% Abbreviation of country 3 letters.
      13. %prvar-N% Profile variable from user profile, I will add tutorial on profile variable but not in this tutorial..
      14. %urlpicture% URL of picture from profile. This variable generate only URL, not whole picture code!!! It means, that must be used with HTML image code. i.e.

      15. %urlprcom% This varialbe create the link to user profile comments who added the message.. This tag must be used with HTML link/anchor tag.i.e.

      16. %urlpm% Same like %rcom% but it creates link to the user Private Mwssages if he/she is your reg. member.
    5. Instead of DELIMITERS you can use any HTML code like line beak. Actually this is the separator adding space.. i.e you can add anthing that you wanna use as separator.. It can be line break, hard line, simple text or any other thing..
  7. You can do whatever you like in wapka forumlist just follow the rules.. :)

I hope my hard work will be work for you and I want you to be master of :forumlist: after reading this tutorial.. Somehow if you don't understand anything or something write coment and I will be there.

Allow User to Change Profile Page CSS in Wapka

In this tutorial I am going to share the best and easy way to allow your site users to change profile page CSS as they want it to be.. They can change each and every thing they wanted to.. like changing the link color, background color etc :)

Have you ever wished to allow your site users to completely change or edit the CSS of profile pages without any need of your assistance. Well there is no feature in wapka to do this but with wapkatutor mind you can do this in wapka.. Remember Nothing is impossible with wapkatutor...

Lets do magic and make your profile page system works great for your users.. They will love this, won't they??

Follow these steps..

  1. Login to your free wapka account..
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Now goto ES > ADD Autocontent > Autocontent for profiles > Set On top -4 and At the bottom -5 [This will set the autocontent for profiles pages..]
  4. Now goto home page and find this Site ID: 0» now click » link it will open jump to site page, now enter -4 in provided field and click jump button.. It will forward you to the -4 page..
  5. Now in -4 site add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

  6. Now go back to home page and add New page via ES > New Page > Set its name to Change CSS > Set access only for logged users and page should be visible to logged users only..> open this page > Remember its site ID
  7. Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

    Change XXX with the site ID that we got in previous step..
    This code will allow the users to write CSS for their profile page.. All the CSS will be stored in database so when ever user will visit he/she will see the code he last wrote..
    If you want you can add new site and change XXX with the site ID of your new site to show users a message that your CSS is updated successfully.. It all depends on you,,
  8. Thats it we have added the CSS changer in our sites that allows the users to change the CSS for their profile page..
1. User should be aware of CSS programming..
2. Wrong CSS code can damage profile pages..

You can include CSS tags in your page to facilitate the user..

Enjoy this interesting thing and comment for issues.. Join our facebook page to get latest info first before anyone else..
view Demo

What's Your IP Address?

Do you know your IP address?? No? but why not?? If you are good wapmaster; you should know what's an IP address. In this little tutorial I am going to tell you what is IP Address actually and how you can add this IP address teller service to your wapka site for free..

What is an IP Address?
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device.. IP address is a unique identifier that enables the host to get info about your access singularly or I should say independently.. Example of an IP address is
Site often note your IP address to protect or make a session to their site so you visit again and they grab your intention with a shocking welcome message.. joking :)
Many networks assign dynamic IP address so it changes after set amount of seconds. This is usually done for security reasons.

IP address teller service for your wapka site
Lets make an amazing service to help people find their IP address in your wapka site. This will not attract many but many will also love this service. Follow these steps.

  • Login to your free wapka account
  • Goto admin mode
  • Add new page and name it IP teller service, after this open this page.
  • Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code

  • Wohooo!! We have added this service. You can design it as you like and also can use the above code at any place you like in your site..
view Demo

Best Solution For PHP Site Lovers

Hi, in this little informative tutorial I am going to tell you the best place where you should host your PHP sites, if you are PHP lover as like me!! :)

You love to make site in PHP! You don't know any reliable site that really is GOOD.. For this we are here to inform you about the best in the world.. Today I am going to tell you the best host in the world ever, you gonna love it.

As you know wapkatutor is always here to help you in your cause, so we have best promotional deal for you to enjoy.. Click the following banner and use the coupon code wapkatutor when buying the hosting package.. With this coupan code you will get 25% OFF

Enjoy this best deal by hostgator and wapkatutor and host your lovely site on the best host in the world for as low as just $3.96/month..

Write your reviews below!!

Sharing Best Free PHP Host

Hi, in this informative tutorial or gossip I will share the best free PHP host in universe that full fill all your needs, so the advance users who wanted to host free PHP sites can enjoy this awesome website..

I knew that many many of you want own PHP site but you are not brave enough to spend some money on paid hosting.. Here is the b est solution for you to enjoy the freedom of own scripting.. I don't know if this will also help the mobile users who don't have PC, but users with PC will get most out of it..

Click here to SignUp for the best PHP hosting and create your own PHP site

With the free hosting account you will have the following incentives..
- 1500 MB Disk Space
- 100,000 MB Bandwidth
- Free Subdomain or Your Own Domain
- Automated Scripts Installer (20 Popular Scripts)
- FTP Access and Web Based File Manager
- Easy to use Website Builder
- 5 MySQL Databases with Full PHP Support
- Zend & Curl Enabled
- IMMEDIATE Activation!
Thats all you want in free hosting.. :)
Here in wapkatutor we will also write the PHP tutorials to help you make interesting PHP site.. Lets get into PHP creation..

Design Registration Page in Wapka

In this tutorial I will discuss how you can design your registration page to look beautiful then before.. This tutorial was requested by the wapkatutor user!!
First of all, let me introduce to you the wapka sites registration page, you can use following tag to allow users to register on your site.

By clicking the above link users will have the option to register on your site and become an active member of your site.. The above link will direct users to the registration page that we are going to design in this tutorial.. This page has all the options for you to edit or change and you can also add more variable to store more info about the users.. :) Lets do it for our sites..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Goto ES > WAP2 > Click Styles for login/registration link > Click Registration page > Now you wil be on the registration page settings page..Here you will see one textarea where you can add codes and tags and a submit button to save the record.. Also there are tags listed to help you manage the page accurately. :)
  4. Now in textarea you can use following tags o codes to design your registration page..
    1. ::notifications:: - This tag is mandatory, this displays the result to the user if his submitted inputs are correct or not.. This will also show the message if the user name is laready tajken and more.. If you like to design it too you can do it b adding new class in your style sheet file with name reg_notification in styles you can add many other CSS tags as you like.. Remeber that these notification are enclosed in p tag..
    2. ::login: - This tag is also mandatory, with this tag user will see input box where he/she can chose his/her username, if the username is already taken he/she will see error message because of above tag.. :)
    3. ::password1:: - This tag adds the password field to the registration page.. User can enter his/here password in this field.. in this tag 1 means that user has to enter his password here and in the second code too which is as under, in other case the user will see error message..
    4. ::password2:: - This tag is used to confirm the password that user has entered in the above ::password1:: tag.. This tag is also mandatory as like the others..
    5. ::email:: - This field is added in the registration page to get the user mail address so that you can send welcome email or verify user and so on, this tag is also mandatory.. This tag is already having the HTML breakline br tag at the end..
    6. ::lpsq:: - This tag adds option to set the security question. In case the user lost his/her password, he/she can retrieve it by answering his/her set answer.. You can add own questions as well but thats not the scope of this tutorial.. This tag also have the br tag at the end so next item will be on new line always..
    7. ::msgfa:: - This tag adds the field for the user to send YOU some info or tell you something or whatever.. This field is only visible to YOU because this field is only for admin messages..
    8. ::captcha:: - This tag adds the captcha check in your registration page.. With the user can only register if user has wrote the correct words from captcha.. Unfortunately you can not change the styles of captcha but you can disable it if you like..
    9. ::profile:: - This tag adds all the fields from ES > USER > USER PROFILE > STYLES FOR REGISTRATION PAGE.. You can store more info about the user with the help of this profile variable system.. I will not cover it in my this tutorial but will be added a complete tutorial on it..
    10. ::submit:: - This tag adds the submit button which is the action if user want to register after writing his/her info in other fields..
  5. You can use many other HTML tags in this and also you can use javascript, You can style your page with CSS.. It all depends only on you..
  6. After you are done just click UPDATE STYLE button and check your registration page..
hats it, we have change our registration n page for the users.. Remember that more beautiful the page is more you will get the members. Do not try to over load the page or you will not get the intension of users.. Try and et us know how was this tutorial and is it helped you?? Thanks for joining wapkatutor..

Count of New Files Uploaded by Users

Hi, in this small tutorial I am going to teach you how you can display total count of files uploaded by users in your site..

Suppose you have added the ES > FILE UPLOADER in your site and now you wanted to know how much files user uploads daily, can you do this in wapka?? Yes, its possible to do, just follow these instructions and add option for you to see how much files user uploads on your site..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add the following code via ES > WML/xHTML code
  4. Check it in user mode..

- This information should be visible to admin only, so you need to do it by ES > USERS > ITEM VISIBILITY > Visible to admin only..
- The info will be updated daily.. :)
- You need to add ES > FILE UPLOADER to allow your users to upload files..

Hope you will like this tutorial, everybody loves to see statistics about his/her site so I decided to add this stuff for you.. Keep reading wapkatutor tutorials and always be with wapka's free and best services!

Show Total Count of Files in a Directory

In this tutorial I will show you how to add total count of files in a directory of\\in your wapka file manager..

After this tutorial you will be able to show how much files are there is a direcory.. i.e. How much in games directory etc. Lets do it.

  1. Login to your wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Get your DIR ID's by going to ES > FILE MANAGER, in our case 1 for games and 2 for applications.. It will be different for yours..
  4. In homepage.. Add wml code via ES > WML/xHTML code
  5. Change ID with the Directory ID which we get in step 3.
  6. If you wanted to count files for multiple ID's use the following code instead of above

    Change ID1, ID2, ID3 with the directory ID's, you can add more directories just seperate new one with a space.
  7. Here are some examples, you can use..
    1. Only Total files in games directory
    2. Total Files in games and application directory
The main usage of this code is to count total files in a directory or several directories from FILE MANAGER, for example you wanted to show total files before the link to games directory :) Comment if you like this tutorial..

Add RSS Feed Reader in Wapka Site

Hi, In this tutorial I will show you how to add RSS Feed reader in your site, any RSS Feed can be read with it and it will also show example of ex-loader..

Lets add rss feed reader and let the world know about other site feeds.. Do following

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add new page via ES > New Page > and note down its siteID
  4. Now goto ES > ExLoader > and do following steps.
    1. in URL field add this code
    2. Write following in Select Part field
    3. In Display HTML tags (br,b,i,u): field add following code
    4. Leave Browser (user-agent): field empty
    5. Set Loading interval: to 24h
  5. Now Press the Add button.. It will add the rss feed reader to your site
  6. Its looking very bad, isn't it?? Well there comes the tricky part.. just goto ES > GLOBAL SETTINGS > Head tags.... > paste the following code

    This is the CSS code to design RSS feeds, I have used many css tags inside this and i will explain them below..
    1. link{} = is designing the link from RSS feeds..
    2. title{} = this css tags is designing the title part of rss
    3. description{} = design the description of rss feed with this tag..
    4. pubdate{} = This tag designs the publication date of rss feed
    5. item{} = This tags in RSS feeds contain all the above data.. So you can have the border arround one post to separate it from others
  7. Now if you want any rss feed in your site just use http://yoursite.wapka.mobi/site_XXX.xhtml?get-link=YYYYYYYYYY
    Change XXX with site ID that we have created in this tutorial and CHange YYYYYYYYYYYYYY with new feed link every time..
Enjoy the RSS feeds reader in your site and comment below if you like my hardwork.. :)

Design Your Chat Page in Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial I am going to show you how is possible to design your chat page and add some similes or some more features, its so simple to do..

I know every one of you wanted to add chat service in your site but don't know how, I wast requested to writ about chat page and here I am.. :) I will show you how to design your cha page, how add smilies, how to use wcode in your chat text and many other options will be introduced in this tutorial.. Lets do it..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add a chat page via ES > Chat
  4. Now goto ES > Wap2 > Click Styles for content in forum/chat link > Now under the text Set styles only for: you will find chat ID that we have added in step 3 just click on its ID (i.e. ch:41373) > Now under the text or set own form for: click Messages in chat link, this will send you to the chat style changer page..
  5. In chat style changer page you will see two text boxes.. These two textboxes have some different tags, explained below..
    1. In the first box you can change styles for your chat one message and all other messages will loop on the basis of this style.. Ooops, I mean that the other messages will have the same style as well.. Hope you got it:) In this box you can use following tags, explained below
      • ::date:: = This tag adds the date of the message when it was added, you can change its format, will tell you later in this tutorial.. You can add any HTML tag to design the tag.. i.e. can add div tags or more.
      • ::user:: = This tag will display user name who added the message.. You can make it bold with HTML..
      • ::msg:: = This is th text that user added.. You can set HTML p tags to make it paragraph or do whatever you like.. No restrictions from my side..
      • ::prvar-N:: = This tag helps to get info from user profile page, I know I have not explained about profile variables in wapkatutor.. Please ask if you wanna know more about it as comment to this tutorial..
      • ::url_pchat:: = This tag is helpful if you wanted to allow private chat between users.. You can also design private chat site page as you like.. This tag should be used in HTML a tag.. i.e.
      All above code can be added in first box only.. You can add any HTML tags and styles in the first box of chat styles page.. You can make it as stylish as you want with CSS or HTML and even Javascript can be used in it.. :)
    2. Now under this text Style of the chat site:** is the second box. This box contains text that will design our whole chat page, so here you will some useful options as well.. Following are the lists of available tags to be used in this box with explanations..
      • ::REPLY:: = This tag create or in other words adds the link or textarea form to the chat page that lets the user to add the new chat message.. You can select link or textarea form as you like.. It all depends on you.. You can design it with HTML and CSS as well..
      • ::REFRESH:: = The second tag that you can use in the second box is ::REFRESH:: , this tag adds the refresh link by which user can refresh the page easily.. Although chat site is refreshed automatically after set amount of time.. :)
      • ::MESSAGES:: = This is simple tag and is mandatory tag used to add all the data from the first box above..
    Above are all the tags thats helps you to make your chat site user friendly and awesome.. You can design it as you like and can add HTML with CSS or only HTML..
  6. If you are satisfied with the design just click the SET button and it will change the chat page in seconds..
  7. Now then, if you want to tweak your chat page more then you can do it in very simple way.. just Goto ES > GLOBAL SETTINGS > CHAT > you will have following options to edit/change/moderate..
    1. Count of messages on one page: set count of messages in chat site..
    2. Delete messages older than (in hours): Set te hours in numeric value to delete the old posts in the chat automatically..
    3. Refresh time (10-300 seconds): Set time to automatically refresh chat page.. You can set a time in seconds between 100 and 300 seconds..
    4. Maximal count of letters in one message: Set the maximam letters in one message, letters more than the limit will be deleted..
    5. Time format (syntax)*: Set time format used in ::DATE:: tag.. If you want to show 1 hours ago, 2 days ago etc.. just set time format as --
    6. Private message user name format (recipient): and Private message user name format (sender): are there to set the style of sender and receiver in private messages in chat, I don't know why admin has added it here in this form but anyways.... :)
    7. Allow smilies in messages is used to set smilies in forum, like :) :( :D etc..
    8. Allow icons in messages allows you to add icon in your chat page.. Click the SET link to add icons and set its text.. With this .happy. will be changed to the set picture whenever user used it in message..
    9. If you marked Display adding form at the top of site with messages: option you will see the new message form at the tp of your chat page..
    10. Enable WCODE option lets your users to include allowed wcodes in their chat messages, you can set allowed wcodes by clicking the link after the text..
    11. Enable SPAM black list (set): Allows you to set the spam message blocker system in your chat page, by clicking SET link you can modify the blacklist text..
    12. Enable chat private messages (select menu in front of message box): It will enable the chat private message in the chat page which allows user to see new private message in chat page..
    13. Enable welcome message: Whenever new user will enter or join the chat he/she will see the welcome text, you can set it by clicking the set link
    14. Allow change color of the text: User will be able to see the select box with your defined colors with the new message form to change the color of chat message if you marked this option, you can allow colors click the Set link..
    15. Hide messages from blocked users (blocked in priv. messages list): It allow you option to hide the messages by users from blocked users list.. So users that are blocked won't see any messages by whom he was blocked..
    Every time you end up setting, don't forget to click the SET button at the end of the form...
  8. Thats it, go and check your chat page..

How to Design Login Page in Wapka

Hi, this tutorial is added on request and in this tutorial I am going to tell you how to design your default login page with your own styles in wapka..

After this tutorial , I hope you will be able to design your login page with own HTML or CSS and can make your login page look like any other beautiful login systems.. This is very easy tutorial, you will love it.. Just follow me..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Goto ES > Wap2 > click Styles for login/registration link > Click Login page link > You will find a textbox in the next page under the text "Own style of login page:"..
  4. Now in the page you can add following tags to design your login page.. You can add any HTML or CSS as you like..
    1. ::notifications:: = This tag is mandatory I think.. You must add this code any where you like in the text box to style your login page.. This tag displays the notifications, like Wrong username, wrong password etc to the user. Now if you like to design the notifications in your login page just add the CSS class with the name log_notification in style sheet file.. You can change text color or more.. Just need to know CSS..
    2. ::login:: = This tag adds the username field to the login form.. You need to add text before the ::login:: to make it user friendly.. You can do following.

      This will add the text before ::login:: field..
    3. ::password:: = Same as ::login:: but adds the password field to the form.. example of code you can insert

    4. ::ver_code:: = This tag adds the option to check verification code sent to the registered email if you have set the email verification in the registration settings.. You can avoid this if you have the other setting..
    5. ::autologin:: = This tag will add checkbox to allow user to save session for auto login at every attempt.. This will make your login system very user friendly..
    6. ::reg_link:: = This adds the registration link to the login page.. You can add it anywhere in the box.. You can avoid it or you can design it as you like.. Also you don't need to create a tag via HTML, it will be automatically added..
    7. ::lp_link:: = Use this tag if you wanna add the Lost Password link to your login page.. User can retrieve the password by clicking this link if they have forgot it.
    8. ::submit:: = This add the button at the end of the form to submit the form and check submitted data and create session and so on.. Its mandatory tag!! You can also place it above all, all depends on you..
  5. Now if you are done, just click the UPDATE STYLE button and your settings will be saved..
  6. Goto your login page and check new designs, if something went wrong comment and we will help you in your problems..
This indeed is a basic tutorial ut very very useful, the best login page attracts the most users, therefor they will come again and again if your login page is beautiful.. Please comment if you like this tutorial..

Add Polls to Your WapSite

Hi, in this tutorial you will learn how to add a Poll in wapka.. User will have options to answer your poll and many more.. This is so simple and you can make it so easily..
just follow these steps..

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add a new page via ES > NEW PAGE and set title of the page to My Poll, After that open the added page
  4. Goto ES > TEXT > ADD the following text >

  5. Goto ES > SERVEYS > There you will see the following options..
    1. Possible answer: Here you can write possible answers to your question as many as you want.. for example.. in our above question, we asked that "You like our site?" in step 4.. so according to this question, there can be three answers..
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. I don't know
      in possible answers, we will write the following code

      In above code, you can see that we have separated our answers with @, that mean you can add many answers by just using @ as separator for answers..i.e.

      above code will add 6 options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
    2. [] Display quite count of voters: If you will mark this option than you will see total count of voters in your poll beneath the last possible answer..
    3. There are some more options in the adding survey page, I think you are familiar with those options, so no need to explain it here. If you still want explanations please write below..
  6. Now you are done, please click the submit button to add the poll to your page.. You can edit it in future via ES > EDIT.
  7. Tips and Tricks
    1. default separator for answers is
      (break line) you can specify own tag, just see this code

      In above code you can change with any tag or text you wanna use as separator, like you can use hr tag, see below

    2. Some users wanted to sort the option by high votes count.. I mean that if Yes got 2, No got 30, I don't know got 40 than I don't know will be on top, No will be on 2nd position and Yes will be on third position.. it will change dynamically after every new vote.. you can use following code

      No changes required in above code..
    3. You must insert question via ES > TEXT or ES > WML/xhtml as we did above.. There is no option to add questions via ES > SURVEYS :(
That was a neat and nice little tutorial about adding surveys or polls to your site, keep in touch for more like these tutorials and make your site fun :) Comment if you like this tutorial or having any error..

What is WapBrowser in Wapka?

In this tutorial I will show you how we can use WapBrowser in wapka and actually I will explain briefly What is WapBrowser..

What is WapBrowser??
Imagine, you see a link on any site and wanted to add it into your site without use of any programming knowledge you can do it in seconds with wapbrowser in wapka, its that easy!! You can copy and download link to a file or any thing else that you wanna add into your site..
How to do??
Just follow these steps and you will able to do what I said above :)

  1. Login to your wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Goto ES > NEW BOOKMARK/LINK > click 'Use wapbrowser' link at the bottom.. you need to do following
    1. Enter wap site URL in provided field from where you wanna use links, press submit button, it will goto the destination url..
    2. Now at the end of that site you can see a link "Menu", click it..
    3. Now you will see two more options "back to YOUR SITE ADDRESS" and "USE LINK FROM THIS SITE"
    5. You will see all links that are used on that page, click link that you wanted to add to your wapsite
    6. Now you will be redirected to insert new bookmark/link page in your site with URL of your selected link and title
    7. Now you can easily add that link to your site :)
  4. You can view any wap site and its contents with it.. Can copy any link or any downloadable link.. This is very easy to add links to your site..
  5. You can also goto the page via this URL
    in above link change SITENAME with your wapka login and URL_HERE with URL from where you wanna grab the link..
I hope now you will get to know how to use wapka wapbrowser function.. If you didn't get something or even anything write us and we will help you with no delays :) WapkaTutor, always at our services..

Add Live Cricket Score to Wapka Site

Hi in this tutorial I will show you hoe to add live cricket score on your wapka wapsite in minutes.. Your visitors will love to see live cricket scores :)

Yes, its right! Now add cricket live score to your free wapka site with our free wapka tutorial.. You will love it :) Lets do it...

  1. Login to your free wapka account
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Add new page via ES > New Page > Open it and note down its siteID
  4. Now goto ES > ExLoader > and do following steps.
    1. in URL field add this code
    2. Write following in Select Part field

      remove # from above code at both occasions..
    3. In Display HTML tags (br,b,i,u): field add following code
    4. Leave Browser (user-agent): field empty
    5. Set Loading interval: to Direct Access

Tricks to Disable Bottom Advertisement in Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial I will show you how to disable the bottom advertisement in wapka, you should read this if you want your site best..

You can easily disable the bottom link with my trick and can make your site best for visitors.. :)
Do you have friends and family members?? Why not refer them to wapka, so that they can create free website and you get your reward to bringing them.. You can reffer new users to wapka via the short link http://ref.SITE-NAME-HERE.wapka.mobi Change SITE-NAME-HERE with your wapka login.. What you will get by doing this? The answer is very simple, you get rewards for doing this in wapka.. :)
You get your bottom ad waved off from your site for each visit on your referred site.. How? Let me explain it with an example..
You referred two members, now each member create 200 pages each, 1000 visitors visit the referred sites, so that means your 1000 visits to your site will be without bottom ads or in other words the 1000 times your bottom ads will not be displayed..
That way for every visitor on referred site your one page will be without ads for the day..

This is very official and little trick to disable the bottom advertisement from wapka sites.. Please don't spam or your site will be banned for breaking TOS.. Enjoy and comment if you like this article.. :)

How to Change PM Read and Unread Message Style

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can add different styles for read and unread messages in wapka Private Message system..

If you wanna add read and unread icon for your private messages then you will find this tutorial very useful. I am using the following icons..
ur for Read Messages
rd For unread messages
Follow the following instructions if you wanna change styles for read and unread messages in wapka Private Message System..

  1. Login to your free wapka account.
  2. Goto Admin Mode
  3. Goto ES > WAP2 > Styles for private messages > Messages list > Now at the bottom find this text Style of read message: under this text you will have one input box, copy and paste the following code in this box..

    > Now under the above box you will find this text Style of unread message: under this you will find an input box, add the following code init.

    > After that click the SET button at the end of form..
  4. Now preview your private messages and see if everything worked, if not please try once again and you will get to it very easily..
Thats it, you have styled your read and unread messages in wapka private messages, You can change pictures with your own if you have made one and also you can add more styles as you like :) Enjoy and comment if you like this one..

How to do Math Calculations in Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial I will tell you how you can do math calculations with wapka :math: tag. You will find this tutorial very helpful if you are willing to do calculations without any javascript.. :)

With wapka :math: tag you can add, subtract, divide, multiplication very easily without need of any external languages like javascript.. So no need to use javascript means that al users via Phone or PC will see your math calculations.. Lets do some basics in this tutorial.. I will also add the calculator tutorial with some advance options you ever seen on wapka..

First, you should understand the :math: tag in wapka.. math tag starts with :math: and ends on :/math: so your calculations should be between :math: and :/math: tags.. Outside of these tags math calculations will not work..

If you want that your answer should b e in decimal points, than you can start your math tag as :math,DEC: (You can change DEC with the number of decimal points you want in result for example: 2 or 3, even 5).. Now if we want 2 decimal then our code should look like this

Now instead of CALCULATIONS you can do following calculation or as you like.. :)

  1. Subtraction: You can subtract two numbers.. Like

    For this purpose you can use - sign.
  2. Multiplication: You can multiply two or more digits to get the answer.. See example below


    For this purpose you can use * sign.
  3. Addition: You ca add two or more numbers..

    For this purpose you can use + sign.
  4. Division: You can divide two numbers, as I did in this example


    For this purpose you can use / sign.
    Mow, in above example you see that if we divide 4 bt 3 the answer will be in decimal, so the code should be used like this to also show the decimals..

    Yiu can see that we have set answer decimal points to 2, you can set 3 or more as your likeness..
  5. Brackets: You can also use brackets ( and ) in your equations... For example.

    In above example we have used brackets, so first it will calculate 2+4 and then will dividee it with the 2.. So What should be the answer??? Yes it should be in decimal points because we have set it to 2.. So the answer will be 3..
All above are the functions of math that can be used inside the :math: and :/math: tags. You can write anything inside both tags to calculate. You just need to revise the mathematical procedures for +, -, /, and *..
You can even do or in other words use all the operators in one go.. For example..

I hope that this tutorial will be helpful for you.. Please comment below if you liked this tutorial and join us on facebook to be in touch and get updates whenever new tutorial is added to wapkatutor's awesome tutorials list..